Questionaire 1.) What sub-genre of thriller would you typically watch? A - Crime B- Horror C- Medical D- Psychological 2.) What gender are you? A- male B- Female 3.) How old are you? A- 15-20 B- 21-25 C- 25+ 4.) What emotion do you want to feel most when watching a thriller? A- Excited B- Scared C- Confused D- Hopeful
Results Question 1:
A= 7 B= 5 C= 3 D= 10 Question 2: A= 18 B= 7 Question 3: A= 19 B= 3 C= 3 Question 4: A= 10 B= 6 C= 5 D=4
Story Board These two images show my final storyboard that i will be basing my filming on. Each box shows a clear idea on the camera angle and shot that each scene will use. There are going to be more shots than just these 6. These are the key shots that most of the scene will be based around any other shots will mainly be used for simple continuity. Obviously this may change on the day of filming depending on the circumstances and wether it looks right on film or not during the diting stage in which case i will re film it.
The Story My story idea for my thriller opening sequence follows a middle aged man as he prepares to go for work. The idea is to create a feeling of normality. During the morning routine I intened to have a thriller based soundtrack this is to ensure that it keeps of feeling of thriller. The emphasis in this morning routine will be the man putting a gun in his briefcase to take to work with him. I will emphasis this using camera shots showing him getting the gun out of his sock draw placing it in his bag whilst still showing the rest of his morning routine. Once the man leaves his house i will fade to black. The next shot will be of the front door of the house he has just left, however returning will not be the first character but the introduction of a second character. This man will be holding the bag of the man who has just left with the gun hanging out of the side pocket. The cmaera will be at an extremley low angle and the lighting will be more shadfowed to make this man seem menacing. At this point it will fade to black and the clip will end, this leaves the story open eneded, the question on the audience's mind will be what has happened to the first character has he been killed, has he been kidnapped, who else is in the house, and why is this man returning to the first man's home.
Research Thriller is an

amazing genre of film and television, it is heartpounding and shocking leaving the audience on the edge of their seats. Thriller is a large genre and is made up from various sub genres, these include; physcological thriller, crime thriller, political thriller, action thriller, supernatural thriller and medical thriller. All of the sub genres of thriller have their own typical situations/ story lines. Typical stories of crime thrillers would be, ransoms, kidnappings, murders, revenge crimes and heists. The thriller genre is often described as being a sub genre to the horror genre, both of which use suspense and atmosphere to cause feelings of dread in their audiences. Alfred Hitchcock was a extremley famous thriller director from the 50's examples of his best known thrillers include; vertigo, psycho and the torn curtain. A genuine, standalone thriller is a film that provide thrills and keeps the audience cliff-hanging at the "edge of their seats" as the plot builds towards a climax. The tension usually arises when the character(s) is placed in a menacing situation, a mystery, or a trap from which escaping seems impossible. Life is threatened, usually because the principal character is unsuspectingly or unknowingly involved in a dangerous or potentially deadly situation. hrillers mostly take place in ordinary suburbs/cities. Though sometimes, they may take place wholly or partly in exotic settings such as foreign cities, deserts, polar regions, or the high seas. The heroes in most thrillers are frequently ordinary citizens unaccustomed to danger.

However, more common in crime thrillers, they may also be "hard men" accustomed to danger, like police officers. Traditionally it has been men who have lead as characters, recently there has been increased amounts of female lead characters. Thrillers often overlap with mystery stories but

are distinguished by the structure of their plots. In a thriller, the hero must thwart the plans of an enemy rather than uncover a crime that has already happened. While a murder mystery would be spoiled by a premature disclosure of the murderer's identity, in a thriller the identity of a murderer or other villain is typically known all along. This keeps the audience engrossed in the film due to anticipation, the film or tv show will have them guessing the end of the story before it has happened interating and engaging with them. In crime thrillers the crimes that must be prevented are serial or mass murder, terrorism, assassination, or the overthrow of governments. Jeopardy and violent confrontations are standard plot elements. While a mystery thriller climaxes when the mystery is solved, a thriller climaxes when the hero finally defeats the villan.

More recent thrillers have begun incorpirating more elements of the horror genre, often they will invlove blood, gore and torture. These new types of thriller shock the audience by presenting them with grotesk imagery and sound. As thrillers advance directors are becoming more creative in ways of shocking audiecnes making the storylines of their films sicker and more disturbed than before. Obviously this is considered as a sub genre of the classic thriller but is coomon in the modern age.
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