James Thompstone

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Actors and Characters

Characters and Actors

Character 1

Name: Character 1

Played by: Chris Gray

Role: Character killed off at start of the film shocking the audience as he is setup as though he will be the main character in the film. Possibilities for if the film is continued could reveal that he is and then it leads up to how and why he is killed or following on after his death the reasoning for it. The character is introduced at the very start of the film and is presented to the audience as having a very important role to play.

Character 2

Name: Character 2

Played by: James Verran

Role: Has a suggestive role at the end of the clip which shows him entering the victims house holding his work bag with the victims inside it. The Conventions used in the clip will make it out as though this character has killed character 1 this is done by mise en scene in the victims house and holding his bag, lighting darker lighting and luma curve suggesting that this character is in some way evil, and camera, the camera is at a low angle to the character suggesting dominance.


For my characters I stuck to friends that I knew and could get in easy contact with and organise to film with reliably, I also chose them based on previous acting experience and I feel

confident in their acting abilities.

Character 1 – Played by Chris Gray, I chose Chris for this role as the character is a mature businessman and so to play the rolecorrectly required and mature look and ability to play out a serious role without laughing or smiling.

Character 2
This was played by James Verran this role was very minimal and only required a couple of seconds of film
time. James offered to play this role enthusiastically and
maintained good facial expression during the filming.
He was reliable and did a good job of laying this role.

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